
Participants in the goahti workshop carried out an archaeological comparison in the Turku Provincial Museum’s Kuralan Kylämäki Village. The young people drew on the trip to build a goahti in the yard of Savonlinna Provincial Museum. The goahti was repaired during summers. Afghan, Thai, Burmese and Finnish youth all took part in building the goahti. The group was only intended for boys. The work included limbing trees, assembling the goahti’s frame, gathering moss from the forest and erecting the goahti atop the cloth-bound moss. The goahti group’s activities were planned and guided by Jukka Innanen, Juhana Moisander and Vesa Lahtinen.

Graphic artist Sami van Ingen photographed the construction of the goahti, stage by stage.

Goahti Video